We went to the Isle of Wight for a week but as per usual I packed for about a month and as per usual I forgot things I really needed. I packed for winter because it was so cold and miserable in Hertfordshire but I ended up sitting on the terrace enjoying the sun and a cup of tea. I think I would find it easier to just leave things there just in case. I might suggest that for next time, I leave things I don't wear that often. We decided to go to lots of different touristy things, so we went to the Needles on such a bright sunny day. I captured this lovely photo of the Needles and the bay. I felt slightly queasy going on the stair lift on the way down. As I looked down it made me suddenly realise I was dangling by a few wires and that was it, what a terrifying thought. It felt like we were in the south of France or Spain, it was so warm that we tried to do a bit of sun bathing but I just got too hot. My parent in laws have a fabulous house which looks out onto the Solent. I can image the amazing parties that were once held there back in the 20's.

I enjoy exploring the Isle of Wight and taking beautiful pictures in many different locations. The picture was taken on the beach at the Needles. I thought the different colour sands were very pretty. I was then lucky enough to go back to my parent in laws' house and to my surprise they had prepared deliciously fresh lobsters straight out of the Solent. It felt like I could have been in Maine, it gave me great ideas for when I host my own dinner party. The next time I go, I definitely will stock up and put them in the freezer. We also went to a bar and had some lovely cocktails (mocktails), one was called Dark and Stormy but there was no grey cloud in the sky that day. Yet another great trip full of fun and adventures.