So 7 days left to organise the
final preparations.....and getting everything in the right place at the right time......!! Who would have thought that
weddings needed military precision......?

So I decided to
start organising my
clothes yesterday, I went upstairs to
arrange my outfits but I ended up
prancing around in my bikini checking it
fitted ok and making sure it wasn't going to come off when
I dive into a pool or something....
trust me this has
happened to me when I was on holiday when I was younger
at a big water park!! I remember going down a ride with my
mum on a double ring...the ride was called
"The black hole" WE screamed the
whole way down (we should have
known better with a name like that) and when we hit the water my
bikini top came up...... (Luckily I was
blessed a bit later than most but hey
can't complain) I'm not sure anyone
actually!! I bet a lot of you are
laughing because you are imagining me
prancing around like a bit of an idiot with my bikini on in our bedroom......!!! Well you are right to laugh
I do this often actually...........dancing around in our bedroom and
attempting to sing along to some of my favourite songs - I must say
not always in my bikini though that was
just a one off.....!!! lol!
Now where was I...? Oh yes final preparations......well so far nothing has gone wrong although I do keep having dreams that someone is going to spill red wine down the back of my gorgeous wedding dress.....note to self don't go near anyone with red wine. This would be a disaster waiting to happen.....!!
Now I am sure there are
millions of women who organise their wedding
while working, but I am struggling to think of
anything else but our wedding at my desk. I call it
"wedding brain" a condition suffered by
brides to be where you can tell them anything and
will forget instantly or struggle to talk about anything other than their wedding. Now this
condition can be very serious and affect others as well, some think
it's contagious!!! You must
be careful around these women as you
may catch it too and this may upset lots of partners...due to the
anticipation of a proposal!!! By being aware of this condition you can be prepared, for example always
have tissues ready and always wear
water proof mascara as a prominent side effect from getting
"wedding brain" are
tearful out bursts at the drop of a hat.....!!!As may also notice the
wedding glow not to be confused with the pregnant glow, two very different types of glow....I can assure you!!! This is where a
newly engaged women will constantly be smiling like a
Cheshire cat and often be gazing at her sparkling hand. Brides to be will
also suffer from
verbal diarrhoea which happens when
strangers ask about the big day!!! When verbal diarrhoea kicks in the
regular notions of time are also suspended causing others to be delayed as a
direct impact of talking to you!! If you are a stranger you should
avoid asking any questions even slightly connected
to weddings. Although that is not a hard and fast way to stop verbal diarrhoea for
certain as even eye contact with a bride to be can cause it.
Another issue is
compulsion that brides to be get with
"wedding brain" which can cause the need to buy
hundreds of wedding magazines and make lots of
mood boards and scrap books. Depending on
how bad "wedding brain" has taken hold of the bride to be, she may allow the groom to look if she has only got
mild "wedding brain" but as a groom you must be under
no illusion that you may not offer any thoughts or suggestions as this may cause a "wedding brain"
tearful outburst which I alluded to earlier.
Now as I am suffering from
mild "wedding brain" myself and I just looked at the clock and the notion of time has been
suspended while writing this so
must dash but a quick note to brides to be
you will suddenly get what I am talking about when it gets to
7 days before....
toodddleeeeeeeesssssssssss xxx
Ps. Good Luck