I noticed recently that I have kinda become a bit body double to my self if that makes sense. OK let me explain what I am going on about, well on one hand I want to be this chic and elegant women with a lovely set of globe trotter cases and wearing pristine white long dress with a large hat that just makes me ooze glamour while jet setting just like Caggie and Millie from Made in Chelsea. And on the other hand I want to be making and sewing things and being a home making just like Kirstie Allsop......!! My home maker body double is certainly taking over since getting married and trying to make a lovely first Christmas with my husband, a very special one.
My home maker body double got very inspired when I was watching Kirstie Allsops Home-made Christmas, she has inspired me to make every single present next year but I may cheat a little and buy the making kits to help me a long a bit......the stocking was lovely and I look forward to making all the other Christmasy bits. I think Christmas can be time when people go mad and spend an absolute fortune on buying stuff off the high street but my hubby and I both said after watching the programme it will be fun to make stuff for everyone next year.
I also was so inspired by the glass blowing class Kirstie did, that it is going to be one of the mouse days.....oh hang on I need to explain that too don't I? OK my nickname is mouse and my hubby is bear and next year my hubby is not renewing his footy season ticket (yay) and what we are going to do is alternate the weekends we do stuff...like hubby's weekend will prob's be footy or seeing a few of his friends and mine will be a whole array of things from seeing my mother to going away for the weekend and craft days.....now we decided we would put all the ideas into the weekend bowl which we pick out one piece of paper on alternate weekends and then do that activity. I think this is the best way to mix it up a bit and do fun stuff which will be exciting for us both to enjoy.....
A few ideas may be
- going for a nice walk (with camera) and then having pub lunch at the end (weather permitting)
- romantic get away weekend...... Scotland, bath, Paris, lake district, Devon-yes in Kirstie Allsops cottage (which I love)
- craft day- this might be making soaps, stockings, arty stuff, crafty things
- ice skating (although recently done this this year)
- cinema & dinner
- Crafts course-like glass blowing or pottery class.
- shopping trip
- seeing my mum
- seeing hubbys parents on the iow
- going to reserve or zoo
- london museums and galleries
- going to see a theatre show.
- going to events and craft fairs/ music
- secret london tea rooms
- having dinner parties...because I am becoming a good little hostess.....

So I decided to start my new years resolution early....and start making things. I thought I would go for the fun things like making the teddy bear which Kirsty did on her show. So I got my set from a craft shop and started it as soon as
I got home and it took me the best part of 2 days and I am rather pleased with my results....!! At first I was struggling with the instructions as I couldn't figure out how it all fitted together. Even with the confusing instructions I managed to complete it very quickly. It was actually meant to last a few weeks or months as it was quite bit for the kit and stuffing.
Since making it, I took it to show my mum, my neighbour and I also took it to my friends restaurant yesterday and one of my friends said she had been following me make it from the other side of the pond down in Australia....!!! I found that so sweet. Any way at dinner yesterday my friend turn the bears head round the wrong way and then said to me "oh you have put his legs on backwards" I nearly died with embarrassment.....I suddenly didn't feel so great about my little craft achievement/triumph. Until she turned everything back round.......I think there was a bit of a giggle about it....!!! Oh but my friend from Australia wants me to make her a teddy too...so will be shipping that over.
Now onto my next project I am making a quilt for my mother for a Christmas or birthday present (depending on how long it takes to make) I am just nervous to start as it seems quite a hard craft but I thought I would give it a go.
So here goes........must dash toooooodlesssss xxxx