Firstly I know my handbag is actually for hand luggage when going on an aeroplane but I can honestly say this handbag is great because it fits everything and I mean everything in it. I was taking it to Bristol every other day for my transplant check ups, so I was carrying loads of stuff. So I took a pic of my bag on my sofa and as you can see from all the mini pics its full to the brim.
So in my handbag this winter:
I have headphone ear muffs which I recently found again after losing the cable to attach to my phone or ipod. These are a god send because not only do they obviously keep your ears warm (especially when I go to the footy in the winter) but I can listen to music too-no one the wiser lol!
I have a little bag where you may also notice I have a second set of just normal apple head phones just for the gym or when I don't need the warm ones. I also have my mini Ipod and a few lipsticks that are wintery colours, I think one is W7 Champagne and the other is MUA in Matt Wild Berry (my fav shade for winter at the mo.) I put them in the little bag so I don't lose things at the bottom of my bag (easily done.)
The next little bag which is bigger than the first (they are a set) I have some unusual things that you wouldn't find in most women's handbags but that's being a kidney transplant patient. Yes I have a urine sample bottom (you never know) and my transplant meds (which you might see in the background of future blogs-just part of being a transplant patient you have mini stashes of meds all over the place.) Yep you can also see my time of the month essentials, I have them in there just in case as I haven't had a period for about a year because I was very anaemic. Oh and hand sanitizer
I also carry my mini lenses for my Iphone so I can get shots when ever I am out and about. I keep them in the bag to protect them from getting damaged. Now I mostly use my Iphone and I have mentioned to my hubby about getting some bigger lenses for Christmas and a bigger tripod (we shall see.) Very handy to have and because they are so small your not carrying a massive camera although I do take that out too some times.
So this year, well from now but really from 2017 I am trying to be more organised. Yes there is a joke that I say it every year but this year, I finally feel that I might achieve it. I have been carrying my works diary that I have written in everything that is happening. I find that this is easier than trying to remember whats happening or asking my hubby who is a walking diary lol!! My diary is stuff with Christmas cards at the moment and holding them in place is my big paper clip with a cute crab on (i swear this was actually a cracker gift-really useful though.) I also will often shove a book in my bag if I am expecting a wait or delay, this week it happens to be my Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone.
You may think I am weird but I have 2 pairs of gloves, one woolly pair, one faux leather pair and a hat. I hate being cold, cold hands and cold ears are the worst. So I am never caught out (well almost never.)
Next is a bit miscellaneous, I have got my keys, a shopping bag in a bag, my phone charger which has 4 charges on it, spare batteries for when I take my big camera out and yes I carry a selfy stick and no I don't think I am Kim Kardashian. I just love taking pics and sometimes I need a longer arm lol!
I normally carry my work ID lanyard (I replaced it with the donor card so it doesn't show where I work), my purse (never any cash in it-story of my life lol!!) and my glasses which I should be wearing but often forget.

And lastly these are the things that get put in and taken out depending on if I need to use them at home so they normally end up on my desk. they are 3 books/notepad types things. You may think 3 notepads is a bit excessive but they all have different purposes. The black one with Crimson and Blake is a little note book and water colour pencils in case I feel creative or see something pretty I would want to paint. The second book which is very pretty (from Paperchase) is my notes book and reminder book to make lists or notes to remember and the 3rd book is my blog book where I write ideas down and scribble notes and basically most of it is unreadable to any one else but me. One last thing is my mini tripod for my Iphone in case I need to have do a steady framed shot. This is often in and out of my back because I'm using it a lot for my blog pics (you will see in the future.)
And that is it, oh apart from when I take my coffee travel cup out with me. I have 2 but I don't think you could have too many lol!
That really is it.