So when I heard that there was going to be a new film in the Harry Potter World, I think I squealed quite a bit. Unfortunately I found out after it had been filmed that there had been open castings. I wouldn't have been well enough to go but I know there is going to be 4 more films, so I'm hoping that they might hold open castings again. I would love to be able to say I have been in one of the JK Rowling films especially as I am obsessed with Harry Potter and also as luck would have it the 1920's. Some will already know this but if you haven't read My 2 obsessions Harry Potter and Downton Abbey blog then you may not realise that, the fact they have combined my 2 favourite films/series things into one is my dream come true. It's perfect, it's a period film with magic and it really doesn't get much better than that. I would have gone to see it on the day it came out but my husband said it would be so busy and it would be hard to get tickets. So I am writing this the night before......it feels like Christmas, I am so excited I don't think I will sleep. I've heard that some critics are saying it's even better than the Harry Potter Films......I will reserve judgement till tomorrow but I think it will be amazing that's for sure. This also making me want to go to Harry Potter World in Florida even more now and go to Edinburgh (birth place of HP.) I did ask the Harry Potter Studios, if they would be extended the studios with Fantastical Beast props and sets because it is filmed in the same place. She did seem to be hopeful as they had some of the costumes from FB in the Lobby already, so that's exciting. I did try and book Christmas Tickets for the HP Studios but it was pretty booked up so we will go next Nov/Dec instead so we can be prepared and they might have got FB sets done by then as well.
So back from the cinema and I have to say after all the hype, it was totally worth waiting for. The special effects were amazing and the beasts were just incredible. I think my favourite was a Niffler. I think there will be many requests to "Santa" for a pet Niffler. They are the cutest beasts yet, I really hope this bring out a cuddly toy version or something-yes I know I'm 30! I loved the sets and I can't believe it was all filmed in the uk. I loved all the details just like HP they had literally thought of everything. I really hope that they keep the sets and add it to the HP Studio Tour. I loved that there were hints that linked FB and HP together. I found it hard to be impartial watching it though because I was thinking about HP and where that fitted in with him but actually everything blended well. I recommended the film to my mother in law as I think even though shes only seen the first HP (shock I know with such a big HP fan in the family.) as a stand alone series of it's own you can still watch it and enjoy it. I think the next films will be like the build up to HP Deathly Hallows 1 and 2 they maybe a massive war/fight in the last film which is my prediction. I'm intrigued by which cities they will visit next, I liked the fact it was in New York for the first film, I think it will give each film a different feel and each film will be distinctive. I think the next city might be some where like Beijing where they find ancient beasts or Oslo maybe or maybe Reykjavik where they beasts live in the colder climates. I am waiting on tender hooks for the next film.I hope I get the FB book for Christmas so I can try and work it out.
I loved the film and can't wait for the next one.
Toodles xx
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