Any way isn't it every child's fantasy to go to a boarding school like in the book Malory Towers (by Enid Blyton) one of my other favourite books growing up.
Any enough of my childhood fantasies, I was lucky enough to go to 'The Making of Harry Potter' at the Warner Brother Studios near London. I have to say it was so amazing to be on parts of the sets and see all the props. I was so amazed how they made a lot of the props, like the potion bottle labels are all hand written, the Marauders map was all hand drawn- the mind boggles. I would have loved to make the props for this film I wish had gone into prop and set design especially when I see props and sets like these. I also wish I had known about the extra casting, I would have loved to be in these films oh well maybe I could be in the new Fantastical Beasts Films, which I can't wait to go and see.

So First pic at the top of the blog is:
- Me with a Butterbeer and a Butterbeer moustache
- Hubby and I at Diagon Alley
- Hubby with Butterbeer and a Butterbeer moustache
- Model of Hogwarts
- Great Hall table
- Entrance to Dumbledores office-Sherbet Lemon
- All the wands in a circle with all the names
- Hubby and I at Diagon Alley again
- The Clock overlooking the courtyard
Next pic
- The Great Hall table
- Us on the Night Bus
- Dumbledore costume in the Great hall-Happiness can be found even in the darkest of places if one only remembers to turn on the light (quote by Dumbledore)
- Door to the Chamber of Secrets.
- Model of Hogwarts
- Marauders map-Mischief Managed
- Us in the flying car
- me at the Hogwarts gates
- Us in front of the Wizard chess piece

So any way I do go on a bit, I think I nagged my husband to go to the stately home, Highclere Castle (where it was filmed) for about a year. So my dreams finally came true, we visited Downton (Highclere) and it was amazing. Unfortunately we weren't aloud to take pictures inside but I did get the guide book and I do have a book like my Harry Potter one which tells you about the series and how it was film/behind the scenes. It was a bit of a wet and cold day when we went so had initially dressed quite glamorous with a pretty dress and my new shoes. Due to the weather though I had to put on my pink ski jacket which ruined then effect slightly. I was also retaining a lot of fluid in this pic as I'm sure you can tell, life of a kidney disease patient. This was back in August 2015 so I would love to go back once I have lost a bit of weight post transplant and take the same picture and see the difference.
My love for Downton has been reignited by the tv series I watched recently (which has now ended) which was Tutankhamun, the story of the Earl of Carnarvon (who lived at Highclere) and Howard Carter finding his tomb. If you get to Highclere there is an exhibition in the basement- which I would have found very interesting if I had, had time to go. As I absolutely loved Egypt and all the antiquities we saw in the Cairo Museum and Luxor. I was in awe of all the temples and the antiquities, I will let you into a little secret I actually wanted to be an Archaeologist when I was younger and the area most interested in was Egyptology. I even went on a Archaeological dig.
Any way Toodles xx
Any way Toodles xx
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