So this Bonfire Night I was actually able to go down to the beach and watch the fireworks. Where I live they actually set our fireworks off out in the middle of the bay. They are set off from a big pontoon. So everyone stands on the beach to watch them which is very different to where I grew up watching them in a field. It was so busy and we had said we would meet our friends down there but we couldn't find them in the mass of people. The firework display was a lot shorter than I remember in previous years so unfortunately only got a few good shots of the fireworks. These were the best shots and a pic of us on the beach (just after the fireworks) Next year there is a really good spot over looking the bay which we might go to as I think we will get better shots.

I went shopping with my mum recently and I decided as it was my first night out after my transplant I would get a new outfit so I picked clothes that would be warm so I opted for a colourful jumper which weirdly was the same wool that my Granny used to knit me a scarf and hat when I was younger. So I was feeling quite nostalgic, hence the 90's flash back style. I had a denim dress like this when I was younger which I loved and I thought this outfit with my cape coat would be great for Bonfire Night. The 90's are back guys!
Any way back to the fireworks, I did see a few drones flying about which must have got some great shots. Very jealous as I really want one now to get some great shots of where I live and for when I go travelling/holidays. For now I have to use my phone as my camera was having a bit of a moment. My camera is pretty old now, so maybe next year I will get a better camera and get some great shots.
For now Toodles xx
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