So here goes:
Q1: Do you like sprouts?
Well I have to admit, I love sprouts!!! I think me and my dad were the only ones who actually enjoyed them!! Most people feel slightly embarrassed to admit they like them for fear of being judged. Don't be a Grinch about sprouts guys!!
Q2: If you had to spend Christmas in another country where would it be and why?

Q3: What time do you wake up on Christmas day?
When I was younger I would try and get up at the crack of dawn but I think we went to my parents room to open stockings about 6.30/7.00 am. My poor parents hadn't even had their morning cup of tea then. Now a days, I was notorious for getting up a lot later (when I was ill) so this year is a totally new experience. I think because I'm full of beans now, I will be up early-ish!
Q4: Is there any thing you don't like about Christmas?

Q5: What will be attempting to bake/make this year?
Haha!! Attempting is right! I wasn't aloud to take cooking for GCSE-I never brought the right ingredients!! I will try and bake some Fudge (5 minute recipe-don't make life complicated) and maybe try making truffles (the easy recipe.) I did make some ginger bread men with sister-in-law and my nephews and they were quite nice!!
Q6: What does your Husband think about your Christmas decorating?
Actually, he loves it as long as I don't take out a second mortgage to fund it!! He particularly likes the hand made stuff I make!! I have a vision of how I want the house to look so he does just let me do it and then if theres any high bits or difficult bits he helps. He did most of the decoration though in 2014 when I was ill just before I went to hospital.

100% I really hope it does snow a little so it looks so pretty but not too heavy that we can't get home back to Dorset because hubby has to work Boxing day. We do not want to get stuck half way!!
Q8: Do you like Christmas pudding, mince pies, Christmas cake etc?
I like them all but I actually think that in order it goes, Christmas pudding, Christmas cake, mince pies. I know that my some of my family don't like any of them so we always have an alternative too.
Q9: Do you have a Christmas tree theme?
My first year with my hubby we had a turquoise and purple tree decorations (was very in that year.) I have to say though I always seem to go back to red and gold with warm lights. I would love white and silver decorations because they look so elegant but I might need a bigger Christmas budget and a family meeting to discuss this on the agenda.....lol!!
Q10: What is your go to out fit Christmas Eve/Christmas day?

Q11: Where will you be for Christmas this year?
This year on Christmas day we will be at my mums but we have alternated it each year so far. I would love to host it one year though just because I think it would be amazing!! So we spend Christmas in Oxfordshire and the Isle of Wight.
Q12: Would you like to cook Christmas dinner?
I would love to but I think I would want to practice a few times with timings etc first. I could imagine a massive spread though, it would be amazing-future plans for sure.
Q13: Favourite food at Christmas?
All of it, everything that is normally too naughty to have at any other time of year!!! This will be my last year having meat at Christmas so I will saver it! (becoming pescatarian in the new year.)
Q14: If you ever got to be in a festive film which one would you pick and why?
I think, I would love to be in Love Actually because of all the different story lines and it would be exciting to find out what story line you would have.
Q15: Do you prefer Christmas day or the build up?
Q16: Do you have a fake or real tree?
So previously as an adult I have had fake trees but when I was younger it was always real trees. This year we are getting a real tree, which I am very excited about. The only thing is I want quite a big tree but I only have a Nissan Micra (no roof racks) so I'm not sure how it will actually fit. I will find out tomorrow how it will fit (yes I could buy a smaller tree-ðŸ˜.)
And that guys is my Christmasy Q and A!!
Toodles my little Elves xx
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