So Christmas 2015, I decided I would do stockings for the 6 women on the kidney ward at the hospital I was in. I also wrote a card and tried to explain that people were thinking of them and that I had been in that situation only a year ago. I went to Poundland because I have a lot of people to my for as it is and my budget was small. I got the ladies a little tea cup and saucer in different colours. I also got them a cute reed diffuser in a festive scent I think and a little note book. I also put all their gifts in a cute stocking.

So this year the stockings are sparkly red or silver. I hang them on my dresser so they are part of my Christmas decorations now until I give them to the ward. This year I again bought them a tea cup and saucer but they were floral, yellow, pink, purple and turquoise. I've gone on the law of averages that hopefully all or most will drink tea, coffee or hot chocolate. I have also bought them year planners for next year. which I thought was different to last year and they were particularly cute. I just need one more item for each person,
I would say buy larger stocking or measure items you may buy before hand in case you end up wedging items in and slightly breaking one of the stocking like I did, which I will now need to sew up-bit annoying-Blogmas has not run smoothly the last two days!!! So I am going to have another look at my Blogmas list, I might swap out some things I had planned for less complicated ones, so I can sort out the bigger blogs and get them organised!!
I was going to get fluffy socks but they only had 4 pairs left-bit annoying but might pop back in later in the week or I might hold out and see what's in Tiger Or as I like to call it Tiger Tiger because they print their name over the shop front windows twice!! I can't include any food because kidney patients are on restricted diets and some are also diabetic, so its easier if I don't.
I enjoy doing this for the ward because it's close to my heart and I feel that even on a small scale I'm showing those in hospital that people to care. I think this will be my giving back tradition each year and I might start buying through out the year for this so it's done by the time December has arrived. After all Christmas is about giving!!!
Well I hope they like the little gifts and it makes them smile.
Toodles my little Christmas stockings xx
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